producator: |
operare cu baterii: |
baterie 9V(neinclusa) |
cod produs: |
ledtest model |
pret: |
Lei (TVA inclus) |
Descriere: Acest dispozitiv trebuie sa il aiba fiecare care lucreaza cu Led-uri . Acest tester poate genera curent de la 2mA pana la 150 mA, deci se pot testa aproape toate tipurile de Led , inclusiv cele cu 5 mm distanta intre terminale sau chiar cele de tip superflux (inclusiv cele de 0.5W care le am prezentate pe site). Testerul are 2 randuri de socluri - primul ptr. ledurile cu pini la 2,54mm si poate alimenta in curent la 2, 5, 10, 20, si 30mA , cel de al doilea rand cu socluri distantate la 5mm , poate alimenta cu 20, 50, 70 si 150mA . Testerul se alimenteaza cu o baterie de 9V si tine cam un an .
Description: This is a must have for anyone who works with LEDs. Unlike other units on the market, this tester can provide LED currents from 2mA through to 150mA, so can test almost every type of LED available, including those with 5mm pin spacing, such as superflux LEDs and my 0.5 watt LEDs. The tester has two rows of sockets - the 2.5mm spaced sockets for smaller LEDs have outputs of 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30mA, while the 5mm spaced sockets have outputs of 20, 50, 70 and 150mA. The unit is powered by a 9 volt battery (unsupplied). I have been using one of these for around 1 year, it is still on its original battery and it is a great little device.